Jannis and Gerrit run
…for a good cause !

Join us in supporting the neonatal intensive care unit at Cologne University Hospital


Why the neonatal intensive care unit at Cologne University Hospital:
"Since our third son Linus had to take a detour via the neonatal intensive care unit directly after birth, we have experienced how helpless you are as a parent in the first few hours after birth if the worst comes to the worst and what fantastic work is done on the ward in sometimes difficult situations and under sometimes difficult conditions. We are deeply grateful for the help we received here and would now like to give something back in return."
(Nina and Gerrit Lillig)

How can you support?
You can support us with a donation - either with a lump sum or with an amount per 100 meters of altitude.

Donations as a lump sum can be sent directly via paypal to jannisundgerritlaufen@t-online.de with the subject “JFM2024” and your name. (If you do not use Paypal, please send an e-mail - then you will receive an account number).

For donations per altitude meter please send us an e-mail to jannisundgerritlaufen@t-online.de or via the contact form. (E.g. “I support you with 5 EUR per 100 meters of altitude). We will then register these in a list and you can pay them via paypal or bank transfer after the run, when we inform you of your completed performance.


 By the way: We have already made the first contribution of €10 per 100 meters of altitude. And as soon as we have reached the donation amount of EUR 5000, we will double our personal contribution!

We will of course provide regular updates here on where we stand with the donation barometer and will also let you know when the donation is handed over to Uniklink.


You can find more information about the recipient of the donations here:



And a note on the subject of taxes: On request, we will be happy to provide each donor with a confirmation of your contribution to the total donation (including a copy of the transfer receipt of the total amount to the University Hospital). However, we cannot say whether this will be accepted in this form in your tax return. Unfortunately, we are not tax consultants.